Acuigen, genetics for aquaculture and conservation biological resources

Curriculum Vitae

Manuel Vera Rodríguez

Manuel Vera Rodríguez Assistant Professor

Department of Genetics. Faculty of Veterinary. University of Santiago de Compostela. Campus de Lugo. 27002 Lugo. Spain.

982 8222426


My research interests are based on the management, conservation and evolution of aquatic organisms, mainly fishes and molluscs. For my research, I have used different molecular markers, having expertise on the DNA sequencing analysis to study phylogenetic relationships, and using microsatellite loci and SNPs for the study of genetic variability in wild populations and the effect of the different evolutionary forces driving the distribution of this variability. Currently, I am interested in the study of those forces applying Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) and Genotyping-By-Sequencing (GBS) methodologies for population genomics. In February 2016, I have joined to ACUIGEN group (where I performed my Post-Doc stay, 2007-2011) as Assistant Professor after four years as a Lecturer at the Biology Department of the University of Girona (2012-2016).

Selected publications

Vera M., Diez del Molino D., García-Marín J.L. 2016. Genomic survey provides insights into the evolutionary changes during European expansion of the invasive mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Molecular Ecology 25:1089-1105.

Vera M., Bello X., Álvarez-Dios J.A., Pardo B.G., Sánchez L., Carlsson J., Carlsson J.E.L., Bartolomé C., Maside X., Martinez P. 2015. Screening of repetitive motifs inside the genome of the flat oyster (Ostrea edulis): Transposable elements and short tandem repeats. Marine Genomics 24:335-341.

Lopez A., Vera M., Planas M., Bouza C. 2015. Conservation genetics of threatened Hippocampus guttulatus under vulnerable habitats in NW Spain: Temporal and spatial stability of wild populations with flexible polygamous mating system in captivity. PLoS One, 10:e0117538.

Vera M., Garcia-Marin J.L., Martínez P., Bouza C. 2015. Phylogenetic diversity within the endemic brown trout DU lineage: Implications for conservation and management. Marine and Freshwater Research, 66:1066-1071.

Vera M., Garcia-Marin J.L., Martínez P., Araguas R.M., Bouza C. 2013. Identification and conservation of remnant genetic resources of brown trout in relict populations from Western Mediterranean streams. Hydrobiologia, 707:29-45

Vera M., Martinez P., Pousa-Beiro L., Figueras A., Novoa B. 2011. Genomic organization, molecular diversification and evolution of antimicrobial peptide Myticin-C genes in the mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis). PLoS One, 6:e24041.

Vera M., Álvarez-Dios J.A., Millán A., Pardo B.G., Bouza C., Hermida M., Fernández C., de la Herrán R., Molina-Luzón M.J., Martínez P. 2011. Validation of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from an immune Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, database. Aquaculture, 313: 31-41.

Vera M., Sourinezhad I., Bouza C., Vilas R., Pino-Querido A., Kalbassi M.R., Martínez P. 2011. Phylogeography, genetic structure and conservation of the endangered Caspian brown trout, Salmo trutta caspius (Kessler, 1877), from Iran. Hydrobiologia, 664:51-67.

Vera M., Cortey M., Sanz N., García-Marín JL. 2010. Evolutionary significance of an endemic lineage of brown trout (Salmo trutta) inside the Duero river basin. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, 48: 181-187.


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